Daily exercise library

Office ergonomics

Below you can find 12 different videos that focus on different areas of the body. If you spend a lot of time sitting down and working in front of a computer, you can easily become tense and develop pain in your neck, shoulders, back and wrists. That's why it's important to move these muscles occasionally to loosen up the stiffness. When you move your muscles, you increase blood flow, which also benefits your mind by providing renewed oxygen and energy to your brain. Enjoy your workout!


Challenging coordination exercises

Below you will find 4 different short videos, all of which will challenge your coordination skills in different ways. This will stimulate and strengthen areas of the brain related to memory, planning, decision-making, creativity, etc. All skills that are useful during your working day. In addition, you'll experience how quickly you can increase your heart rate while putting a smile on your face.


Breathing spaces

Below you will find 4 different videos that guide you through specific breathing exercises to get your heart rate down. Breathing quickly affects your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body to relax. During a busy day, it can be nice to have a breather to calm down and de-stress. You can also use your breathing to recharge if you're struggling to pull yourself up for your next task.

Last revised at 29. May 2024